What Makes My Portrait Service Unique?

Digital Art, Fine Hand Editing & Attention to Detail
If all the potential FUN didn't draw you in, listen to what else is in store!
So you've waited a whole year or more for a dreamy Portrait Session! You've got all the boxes checked off for the big day:
- Gorgeous Outfits
- Roots touched up (LOL)
- Nails done
- Shoes & Accessories picked out
- Littles' naps accomplished in time

You go through alllllll that......BUT, the day before our session, little Susie falls and smacks her eye on the corner of the coffee table! She's now got a big ole' shiner for the day of our session and it can't be rescheduled if you're only here for a week! DON'T WORRY! Brandi will ensure your babies booboo's are a distant memory. My fine hand editing includes image enhancements such as touching up skinned knees, bruises (because, kids...!) and any other tidbits that need attention for your Final Selections! Are you a regular coffee consumer and you've got the teeth to show for it? I'll give them a nice whitening (without looking fake!). Do you have a teenager who has is a bit complexion challenged? My zit zapper will remove any blemishes and redness as needed. In addition, I'll fix a necklace that went a little wonky while we're working with a wiggly toddler, a hair that went all medusa-like during some wind gusts! If we are shooting at the beach mid-summer, there is bound to be tons of beach goers hanging out enjoying the beach life. While I always do my best to ensure folks are not in your background, many times it is unavoidable. Again, not to worry, the Grandpa catching some rays in a bright red speedo in the background will be removed! As will the power lines, huge white trash cans lining the beaches and anything else that doesn't belong in your beautifully captured moments! I truly aim for your images to be WALL ART WORTHY and guarantee that is what you will walk away with!

One of the things my families love the most about my images, my SKIES! While I always shoot for authenticity, and this means real life scenery...some families will be more blessed than others with gorgeous, sunset skies. I know just about EVERYONE wants the dreamy, colorful backdrops. With me, you will ALWAYS get that. There is Golden Hour (white skies, golden light), and then there is Sunset hour (even, soft light and pretty pastel skies!). Sunset hour will usually yield lines of light blues, pinks and purples...sometimes you get lucky with gorgeous, expansive, painterly clouds, but sometimes your skies end up pretty simple. I offer an option to give your skies more drama at no additional cost, if you desire, and all with skies I have shot personally myself over the last few years!

What's In My Camera Bag...
Artistic Tools of My Trade & A Back Up Plan! You've spent hours getting yourself and your family ready, maybe had a Professional Make Up Artist get you all dolled up, nails done, hair did...you arrive for your session, everything is going great! Uh-oh! 10 min into the session, your Photographer has one of the worst things possible happen...their camera has died. Locked up. Kaputt. UNLESS, you've hired yours truly! If you take a peek in my camera bag, you'll find:
TWO Canon 6D Camera Bodies
35 1.4 Sigma Art Prime Lens (my fave 'Portrait' lens)
24-105 Zoom Lens (super quick focus for those super quick toddlers!)
50 1.4 Canon Prime Lens (universally versatile)
4 Camera Batteries
6 SD Memory Cards